
Welcome to Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Longmont, Colorado! We strive to be an all-welcoming, relationship-enriching, Christ-centered church, partnering with our community, sharing God’s love through worship and service, and inspiring everyone to seek, know, and follow Jesus. Check out our website and please, visit with us in person when you are able!

Summer Worship Service

Summer Worship & Coffee

Sunday, May 26 – Sunday, September 8
One service at 9:15 a.m. followed by coffee hour
Neighborhood groups provide refreshments for each coffee hour. You can find the schedule here.
*** Service will be held outside on Sunday June 16, July 21, and August 18 (weather permitting) ***

Vacation Bible School – June 24 to 28

This year’s theme is SCUBA! Each day children will be “submerged” into an underwater adventure where they will learn and play while exploring the Bible. While making your summer plans please keep VBS in mind as a fun and interactive activity. VBS is open to preschoolers (3 years old) to 5th graders.

Registration is open and closes June 1. Space is limited. Registration is free.
Click here to for more info and to register!

New Visitors

We’re so glad you’ve decided to visit us! Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. New visitors are encouraged to read What to Expect for a quick overview of what guests can look forward to when visiting us.